2nd Halloween Birthday Party

Our little sweet Ruby had her 2nd annual costume birthday party, and it was so much fun!! She has been reading a lot of books about dinosaurs, like Curious George, and has learned to ROOOOAAAAARRRR like a dinosaur, has a toy dinosaur, and a picture of one in her room, so what else was she to dress as but a dinosaur this year?? And keeping with our "classic movies of the 80's and 90's" theme from last year, what better "iconosauric" movie (sorry not sorry!) than "Jurassic Park"!!

Wow, you guys look GREAT!!!


I decided to take it a little easier this year than last, so my baking was VERY pared down and my decorations were a little less... but that's not to say we didn't do a great job!!

1) "Rurassic Park" invitation art - done by talented hubby one month in advance!!

2) Dinosaur "fossil" (thanks, Plaster of Paris!) molds - made a few weeks in advance with the help of a wonderful 7 year old! Sand for the dig purchased one week in advance, and put out the day of!

3) Dinosaur favors found on an online mommy group (along with the fossil mold!) for $10!! Score!! One month in advance!

4) Halloween favors purchased one week in advance and assembled the night before.

5) Dinosaur costume purchased one month in advance, and highly unattractive mom shorts and dad pants purchased one week in advance at the local thrift store! (See above pic for proof... it's true...)

6) "Rurassic Park" sign painted the night before - I just bought a little paint sample at the nearby Home Depot, and used some sponges and cardboard we had at home. Done!!

7) "Rurassic Park" chalkboard art - done by talented hubby the day of!

8) Craft paper "vines" and leaves, assembled the night before - thanks talented hubby! - and put up the day of.


Lesson learned from last year - not everything on Pinterest will work... exhibit A: who can find melons big enough for a dinosaur cut out?? It CLEARLY would not work, and this was the smallest cookie cutter out of 8! So never mind, we'll have melon salad and cut up tiny pieces for kiddos. Done. 


I found this awesome melon margarita recipe, and since I had SO MANY MELONS left over from not being able to make cute little cut-outs (grrr!!), I used them ALL in the margarita! So it was 1.5 honeydew melons, half a cantaloupe, and half a watermelon. I then used a boatload of limes, and was super proud of myself for remembering I have a mixer attachment to juice citrus fruits! I had the official measurement of "a lot" of melon/lime juice in the container before adding tequila, so then I did about 2 parts tequila to one part triple sec. That was almost all gone after just a few hours - who says parents can't have a good time at a kids' party??

Sugar Cookies

I got this yummy recipe for sugar cookies, and they were pretty darn easy to make! I mixed them up the night before and put them in the fridge. Then, like any good mama, I opened up one of my daughter's birthday gifts to get out a dinosaur to make footprints in the cookies ;) I of course washed off its little foot, and put it back in the box and she never knew! These all disappeared before the end of the party, so I'd say they were a hit!

I also tried to make dinosaur "eggs" with a new baking pan to make "orbs" - it did not work as planned... I used a recipe that I think was meant to be a cake, not cupcakes, and everything was very sticky, so I will not post it here. They tasted pretty good, but we had plenty leftover, so there's my verdict! Luckily, we made up with chips, salsa, and guacamole, and everyone was happy! 

Year 2 is another strike in the Ruby-eating-cake category - she just didn't care!! One of these years, we will get a good, digging-in, frosting on face picture... I hope ;) 

Here's to you, Ruby - 2 years down, a lifetime to go!! We love you so so so!!!!


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