Halloween Birthday Party
Our little Halloween baby had her first birthday, and OF COURSE we threw her an amazing party!! We are big fans of Indiana Jones, so we chose "Raiders of the Lost Ark" for our family costume and our exterior decorations.
We carved the pumpkin like an Aztec death mask, and added some little skulls. Ted created a door design with Egyptian characters spelling Ruby!
Inside, I made a TON of cheap & easy candy corn garland strands! I bought orange plates, used yellow paint from our friends' baby shower, and white paint from our redone doors and trim. I painted 12 plates and cut each plate into 8 pieces - this made SO MANY FEET of candy corn!! But it turned out adorable!
We made the perfect amount of food - I knew I wanted fun, Halloween-themed snacks that are also kid-friendly, so we had "Halloweenies" (Pilsbury pastry dough cut up like mummies around lil' smokeys), a "sick" Jack-o-lantern ("vomit" guacamole!!), sugar cookies,
witch-hat cookies" (Hershey kisses stuck on Fudge Shoppe cookies with icing), pumpkin-shaped pbj sandwiches, and mummy cupcakes - pumpkin with cream cheese frosting and vanilla with vanilla frosting!
I used leftover plates and some gold paint to spell out "one" on her highchair, and the "cake poke" session was a success!
I also printed out cute letters from this free set, spelling out "Ruby's 1st Birthday!"
witch-hat cookies" (Hershey kisses stuck on Fudge Shoppe cookies with icing), pumpkin-shaped pbj sandwiches, and mummy cupcakes - pumpkin with cream cheese frosting and vanilla with vanilla frosting!

Last but not least was Ruby's cake - it was the same as the vanilla cupcakes above, and I'd hoped for a big dramatic smash!! All she did was poke it... but it was still cute ;) I did a spider web decor on the side which is so easy - just do concentric circles with frosting and drag a toothpick through it from the center on out. So easy!!
I used leftover plates and some gold paint to spell out "one" on her highchair, and the "cake poke" session was a success!
Happy Halloween, and happy first year to our sweet little monkey!!