Fourth of July Sangria

Last night was the 4th of July and we hosted a super cute movie night in our yard! Ted repurposed our photo booth to be a movie screen, and I happened to come across a wild projector which I tamed and brought into our yard :)  We screened "Independence Day" (of course!!) and I served wine wine sangria which is definitely refreshing on a warm July evening in Austin! 


1 box Franzia (yes, embarrassing, but also, who cares? It's sangria! And $9!!) - 5 liters
Random assortment of fruits (I used limes, oranges, and peaches) chopped 
1.5 C brandy
1 C sugar (or in my case, leftover cucumber lime mint sorbet!) 
I added a bottle of Reisling that I got as a gift from some friends simply because it's in a a bottle shaped like a cat! :)
I also used a few tiny cans of pineapple juice which were leftover from my pineapple upside down cupcakes, just throw in anything that seems juice-like or fruity!
Stir and store overnight in the fridge. Add some club soda either to the whole mix or when it looks like it's dwindling to add some fizz!

Extra straws from the wedding and red and blue cups helped create a festive and patriotic beverage atmosphere!!

Last but not least, since the beverage dispenser has a spout that would not be friendly to berries, I created a few fruit kabobs that were just strawberries, raspberries, and peaches that you can put in your drink and eat chilled! Super easy and great for hot weather!


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